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ANX Healthcare Research Center
What is the blood circulatory system?
Our heart and blood vessels make up the circulatory system. The main function of the circulatory system is to provide oxygen, nutrients and hormones to muscles, tissues and organs throughout our body. Another part of the circulatory system is to remove waste from cells and organs so your body can dispose of it. our heart pumps blood to the body through a network of arteries and veins (blood vessels). The circulatory system provides blood to all the body's tissues so they can function.
Poor circulation: hidden causes of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and more
Poor circulation is a common but often overlooked cause, such as the hidden culprit, of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and other conditions. A recent estimate suggests that 8 million Americans have peripheral artery disease.
Poor circulation is a major causative agent and results from conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
심장과 혈관은 혈액순환계를 구성하며, 순환계의 주요 기능은 몸 전체의 근육, 조직 및 장기에 산소, 영양소 및 호르몬을 제공하는 것이다. 순환계의 또 다른 부분은 세포와 장기에서 노폐물을 제거하여 신체가 처리할 수 있도록 하는 것이다.
심장은 동맥과 정맥(혈관)의 네트워크를 통해 신체에 혈액을 펌핑하며, 순환계는 신체의 모든 조직에 혈액을 공급하여
기능할 수 있도록 한다.
혈액 순환 장애: 만성통증, 섬유근육통, 신경병증 등의 숨겨진 원인이 되다.
혈액 순환 장애(숨겨진 범인)은 만성통증, 섬유 근육통, 신경 병증 및 기타 상태의 흔하지만 종종 간과되는 숨겨진 범인이다.
최근 추산에 따르면 800만 명의 미국인이 말초 동맥 질환을 앓고 있으며, 당뇨병, 고혈압 및 비만은 혈액 순환 장애의
주요 원인이 되기도 한다.
Importance of proper blood circulation for optimal health
Proper blood circulation is crucial for overall health and well-being. The body’s ability to heal itself and maintain optimal functioning is compromised without proper blood circulation. When the capillaries and other tiny blood channels are not doing their job, we have poor microcirculation. Autonomic dysfunction, neuropathy, and persistent pain are only some of the consequences of this condition. Common factors that lead to insufficient blood flow to the tissues are:
• Cigarette smoking
• Insufficient physical activity, especially in the legs and feet, has been linked to impaired circulation
• Poor circulation can be a symptom of diabetes
• Hypertension
• Poor blood flow, especially to the legs and feet, is a common symptom of peripheral artery disease
• Varicose veins are a medical condition characterized by the appearance of enlarged, tortuous veins in the legs and feet
Inadequate microcirculation may manifest as:
• Inadequate circulation can lead to a chill in the extremities, such as the hands and feet
• Sensations of numbness or tingling in the hands and feet can result from decreased blood flow
• Embolization: Fluid accumulation in the legs and feet is a common symptom of poor circulation
• Pain in the legs, foot, and back can be caused by poor circulation and be classified as chronic
• Low energy and exhaustion are also symptoms of poor circulation, which in turn can diminish the body’s oxygen supply
• There can be abnormalities in the immune system, fibromyalgia, and neuropathy
최적의 건강을 위한 적절한 혈액 순환의 중요성
적절한 혈액 순환은 전반적인 건강과 웰빙에 매우 중요하며, 적절한 혈액 순환 없이는 스스로 치유하고 최적의 기능을 유지하는 신체의 능력이 저하된다. 모세혈관과 다른 작은 혈액 채널이 제 역할을 하지 못하면 미세 순환이 잘되지 않으며, 자율 신경 기능 장애, 신경 병증 및 지속적인 통증은 이 상태의 결과 중 일부에 불과하다. 조직으로의 불충분한 혈류를 유발하는 일반적인 요인은 다음과 같다.
• 담배 흡연
• 다리와 발의 신체 활동 부족
• 당뇨병
• 고혈압
• 특히 다리와 발의 혈류 불량은 말초 동맥 질환의 일반적인 증상
• 하지정맥류는 다리와 발에 크고 구불구불한 정맥이 나타나는 것이 특징인 의학적 상태
부적절한 미세 순환은 다음과 같이 나타날 수 있습니다.
• 혈액 순환이 원활하지 않으면 손과 발과 같은 사지가 오한을 느낄 수 있다.
• 손과 발이 저리거나 따끔거리는 느낌은 혈류 감소로 인해 발생할 수 있다.
• 색전술: 다리와 발에 체액이 고이는 것은 혈액 순환 장애의 일반적인 증상이다.
• 다리, 발, 등의 통증은 혈액 순환 장애로 인해 발생할 수 있으며 만성으로 분류된다.
• 낮은 에너지와 피로는 혈액 순환 장애의 증상이기도 하며, 이는 신체의 산소 공급을 감소시킬 수 있다.
• 면역체계에 이상이 생길 수 있으며, 섬유근육통, 신경병증이 발생할 수 있다.
통증은 피부 밑과 몸 전체의 장기에 있는 수용체 신경 세포에서 시작된다. 아프거나 다치거나 다른 유형의 문제가 있을 때 이 수용체 세포는 신경 경로를 따라 척수로 메시지를 보내고, 척수는 그 메시지를 뇌로 전달된다.
만성통증은 일반적인 회복 기간을 초과하여 지속되거나 관절염과 같은 만성 건강 상태와 함께 발생하는 장기 통증이며, "켜짐"과 "꺼짐"이 있거나 지속될 수 있다. 만성통증은 사람들이 일하거나, 제대로 먹지 못하거나, 신체 활동에 참여하거나, 삶을 즐길 수 없을 정도로 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 따라서 치료할 수 있고 치료해야 하는 주요 의학적 상태이다. 만성통증의 원인은 다양하다. 오래 전에 회복된 질병이나 부상에서 시작되었을 수 있지만 통증은 여전히 남아 있을 수 있다. 혹은 관절염이나 암과 같은 지속적인 통증 원인이 있을 수 있다. 그러나 많은 사람들이 과거의 부상이나 질병의 증거가 없는 상태에서 만성통증을 겪는다.
만성통증과 혈액순환
What is pain?
Pain starts in receptor nerve cells found beneath the skin and in organs throughout the body. When we are sick, injured, or have other type of problem, these receptor cells send messages along nerve pathways to the spinal cord, which then carries the message to the brain.
What is chronic pain?
Chronic pain is long standing pain that persists beyond the usual recovery period or occurs along with a chronic health condition, such as arthritis and may be "on" and "off" or continuous. It may affect people to the point that they can't work, eat properly, take part in physical activity, or enjoy life. Chronic pain is a major medical condition that can and should be treated.
There are many causes of chronic pain. It may have started from an illness or injury, from which we may have long since recovered from, but pain remained. Or there may be an ongoing cause of pain, such as arthritis or cancer. Many people suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or evidence of illness.
Chronic Pain and Blood Circulation
Chronic pain and poor circulation
Millions of people throughout the world deal with chronic pain on a daily basis. It is defined as pain that lasts longer than three months and can have a major effect on a person’s standard of living. In addition, research has shown that poor circulation often contributes to chronic pain. Studies have found that people with chronic pain have reduced blood flow and oxygenation to affected areas, leading to inflammation and tissue damage. One study by researchers at the University of Michigan found that people with chronic pain had reduced blood flow to their brain’s thalamus, which is responsible for processing pain signals. This reduced blood flow can increase pain sensitivity and make it more difficult for the body to manage pain effectively.
만성통증 및 혈액순환 장애
전 세계 수백만 명의 사람들이 매일 만성통증에 시달리고 있다. 이는 3개월 이상 지속되는 통증으로 정의되며 개인의 생활 수준에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 또한 연구에 따르면 혈액순환 장애는 종종 만성통증의 원인이 된다. 만성통증이 있는 사람들은 해당 부위의 혈류와 산소 공급이 감소하여 염증과 조직 손상을 초래한다. 미시간 대학의 연구진이 실시한 한 연구에 따르면 만성통증이 있는 사람들은 통증 신호 처리를 담당하는 뇌의 시상으로 가는 혈류가 감소하고, 이러한 혈류 감소는 통증 민감도를 증가시키고 신체가 통증을 효과적으로 관리하기 어렵게 만들 수 있다고 보고하였다.
Chronic pain and poor circulation
Millions of people throughout the world deal with chronic pain on a daily basis. It is defined as pain that lasts longer than three months and can have a major effect on a person’s standard of living. In addition, research has shown that poor circulation often contributes to chronic pain. Studies have found that people with chronic pain have reduced blood flow and oxygenation to affected areas, leading to inflammation and tissue damage. One study by researchers at the University of Michigan found that people with chronic pain had reduced blood flow to their brain’s thalamus, which is responsible for
processing pain signals. This reduced blood flow can increase pain sensitivity and make it more difficult for the body to manage pain effectively.
만성통증 및 혈액순환 장애
전 세계 수백만 명의 사람들이 매일 만성통증에 시달리고 있습니다. 이는 3개월 이상 지속되는 통증으로 정의되며
개인의 생활 수준에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
또한 연구에 따르면 혈액순환 장애는 종종 만성통증의
원인이 된다. 만성통증이 있는 사람들은 해당 부위의 혈류와 산소 공급이 감소하여 염증과 조직 손상을 초래합니다.
미시간 대학의 연구진이 실시한 한 연구에 따르면 만성통증이 있는 사람들은 통증 신호 처리를 담당하는
뇌의 시상으로 가는 혈류가 감소하고, 이러한 혈류 감소는 통증 민감도를 증가시키고 신체가 통증을
효과적으로 관리하기 어렵게 만들 수 있다고 보고하였다.
Elixir Stone™
• Patented technology and registered trademark
• Scientific publication to be released
• Elixir: [Cambridge Dictionary] a substance, usually a liquid, with a magical power to cure, improve, or preserve something
• A mixture stone developed by utilizing ‘MAGIC’, a cutting-edge HTS screening platform technology based on functional genomics and synthetics biology, to maximize Far-Infrared Ray (FIR) and biological functions of a series of medical mineral complexes, including Salix alba (willow) charcoal, volcanic rock, and other secret medical minerals
• Having strong far-infrared rays and effects of pain relief, blood circulation, swelling relief, wound healing, anti-inflammation, anti-microbial activity, deodorization, etc.
• Each type of Elixir Stone™ has different compositions and functions and all patented
• 특허기술 및 상표 출원 중
• 학술논문 발표 예정
• 엘릭서(Elixir) : 만병통치·불로장생의 효험이 있는 것으로 여겨지는 영약[묘약] (출처:네이버 영어사전)
• 원적외선 방출력과 생물학적 기능을 극대화 시키기 위해 최첨단 HTS 스크리닝 플랫폼 기술인 MAGIC을 활용하여 개발된 버드나무숯,
화산암, 기타 다종의 특허기밀 약돌 등이 포함된 특수 혼합석
• 원적외선 방출력이 대단히 강하고, 통증 완화,혈액 순환, 부종 완화, 상처 치유, 항염, 항균, 탈취(소취) 등의 효과가 뛰어난 것으로 확인됨
• Elixir Stone™의 종류마다 구성 광물과 기능이 상이하며, 모두 특허권으로 강력하게 보호 중
Derma Genie™
• Patented technology and registered trademark
• SCI and KCI scientific publications are releasing
• Derma Genie: Genie = [Cambridge Dictionary] a magical spirit, originally in Arab traditional stories,
who does or provides whatever the person who controls it asks. In other words, it means skin genius or skin fairy.
• Having outstanding effects improving skin condition (face, body and scalp), including anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation and calming, swelling relief, wound healing, anti-wrinkle, lifting, repairing against UV-damaged wrinkles, anti-melanogenesis and whitening, epidermal differentiation and moisturization, anti-hair loss and hair growth, etc.
• A series of medicinal plant complex extracts (Agastache rugosa, Hippophe rhamnoides fruit, Lilium tigrinum, Allium hookeri, Lonicera japonica flower, Sarothamnus scoparius, etc.) that have various effects on skin and scalp
• Each type of Derma Genie™ has different compositions and functions and all patented.
• 특허기술 및 등록상표
• 국제SCI영문학술지 및 한국연구재단등재지 논문들 발표 예정
• 더마지니(Derma Genie) : ‘지니(Genie)’는 ‘천부적 재능’ 혹은 ‘아라비아 신화에서 램프 속에 사는 요정’의 뜻
(출처: 네이버 영어사전). 즉, 피부천재 혹은 피부요정 이라는 의미
• 항산화, 항염증 및 진정, 붓기 완화, 상처 치유, 주름 방지, 리프팅, 자외선 손상 주름 개선, 멜라닌 생성 및 미백,
표피 분화 및 보습, 탈모 방지 및 모발 성장 등 피부 상태(얼굴, 신체 및 두피) 개선에 탁월한 효과를 제공함
• 피부 및 두피에 다양한 효능을 갖는 것으로 알려진 금은화, 비타민나무열매, 참나리, 삼채, 양골담초 등
10여가지 이상의 약용식물로 구성된 복합추출물
• Derma Genie™의 종류별로 구성 약용식물들 및 기능이 상이하며, 모두 특허권으로 강력하게 보호 중
Derma Mint™
• Patented technology and registered trademark
• Scientific publication to be released
• Having outstanding cooling and anti-inflammation effects on skin and scalp
• Long lasting cooling effect, low odor and volatility, anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, minimizing skin irritation and maximizing skin safety
• A complex extracts consisting of medicinal plants and others including Acacia dealbata flower and stem,
Mentha viridis, Mentha haplocalix, etc.
• Each type of Derma MintTM has different compositions and functions and all patented
• 특허기술 및 등록상표
• 한국연구재단등재지 논문 발표 예정
• 피부 및 두피에 탁월한 쿨링 및 소염 효과 제공.
• 오래 지속되는 쿨링 효과, 낮은 냄새와 휘발성, 산화 방지, 염증 방지, 피부 자극 최소화 및 피부 안전성 극대화
• Derma Mint™의 종류별로 구성 약용식물들(미모사아카시아꽃줄기, 스피어민트, 박하 등) 및 기능이 상이하며,
모두 특허권으로 강력하게 보호 중
Effectiveness and Mode of Action
Through core technology 'MAGIC', we have developed the ELIXIR STONE, DERMA GENIE, and DERMA MINT, which are novel substances highly effective in relieving inflammation and chronic pain and improving blood circulation.
Core Technology ‘MAGIC’:
• A powerful and patented core technology
• Developed by Professor Elixir S. An through more than 20 years of research
• For the purpose of discovering novel B&H (beauty and healthcare) substances and pharmaceuticals
• A highly efficient screening platform based on Genetic Engineering, Functional Genomics, Synthetic Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, and Artificial Cell technologies
코어 테크놀로지 ‘MAGIC’을 통해 염증완화, 만성통증 완화, 혈액순환 개선에 효과가 뛰어난 물질인
엘릭서스톤, 더마지니, 더마민트를 개발하다.
핵심 기술 '매직(MAGIC)':
• 강력하고 특허받은 핵심 기술
• Elixir S. An 교수가 20여 년간의 연구를 통해 개발
• B&H (뷰티·헬스케어) 신물질 및 의약품 발굴 목적
• 유전공학, 기능유전체학, 합성생물학, 인공지능,생물정보학 및 인공세포 기술을 기반으로 한 고효율 스크리닝 플랫폼
Core Technology MAGIC,
Elixir Stone™, Derma Genie™, and Derma Mint™
PATENTS : Registered more than 30 domestic and international patents related to biomedical technologies, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, functional cosmetics and foods, etc.
TRADEMARKS : Registered more than 50 domestic and international trademarks, including Elixir Stone, Derma Genie, Derma Mint, Beaunicorn, Dermedecin, etc.
More than 150 publications, including several Nature sister journals and more than 100 SCI(E) journals.
Park et al. Phloroglucinol enhances anagen signaling and alleviates Η₂O₂-indduced oxidative stress in human dermal papilla cells. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 34: 1, 2024.
Lim et al. Pan-EGFR inhibitor dacomitinib resensitizes paclitaxel and induces apoptosis via elevating intracellular ROS levels in ovarian cancer SKOV3-TR cells. Molecules, 29: 274, 2024.
Park et al. Anti-melanogenic effects of Lilium lancifolium root extract via downregulation of PKA/CREB and MAPK/CREB signaling pathways in B16F10 cells. Plants (Basel), 12: 3666, 2023.
Park et al. Effects of Allium hookeri extracts on hair-inductive and anti-oxidative properties in human dermal papilla cells. Plants (Basel), 12: 1919, 2023.
Yoon et al. Nodakenin inhibits melanogenesis via the ERK/MSK1 signaling pathway. Pharmazie, 78: 6, 2023.
Kim et al. Tephrosin suppresses the chemoresistance of paclitaxel-resistant ovarian cancer via inhibition of FGFR1 signaling pathway. Biomedicines, 11: 3155, 2023.
Nam et al. Daphnetin inhibits α-MSH-induced melanogenesis via PKA and ERK signaling pathways in B16F10 melanoma cells. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 86: 596, 2022.
Hong et al. Potential anti-ageing effects of probiotic-derived conditioned media on human skin cells. Acta Pharm,
72: 359, 2022.
Bae et al. Melatonin increases growth properties in human dermal papilla spheroids by activating AKT/GSK3β/β-Catenin signaling pathway. Peer J, 10: e13461, 2022.
Lee et al. Diarylpropionitrile inhibits melanogenesis via protein kinase A/cAMP-response element-binding protein/microphthalmia-associated transcription factor signaling pathway in α-MSH-stimulated B16F10 melanoma cells. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol, 26: 113, 2022.
Kim et al. Inhibition of glutamine uptake resensitizes paclitaxel resistance in SKOV3-TR ovarian cancer cell via mTORC1/S6K signaling pathway. Int J Mol Sci, 23: 8761, 2022.
Kim et al. Potential antioxidant and antiphotoaging effects of Fagopyrum esculentum honey on human dermal fibroblasts. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 20: 43, 2022.
Kim et al. Effects of cream containing three-dimensional human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell conditioned medium secreting growth factors on skin elasticity. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 20: 121, 2022.
Lee et al. Ginsenoside Rg4 enhances the inductive effects of human dermal papilla spheres on hair growth via the AKT/GSK-3β/β-Catenin signaling pathway. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 31: 933, 2021.
Liu and An. Recognition and usage of sunscreen by women in Yunnan province, China. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol,
19: 525, 2021.
Je et al. Effects of the essential oils of sweet orange, lavender and amyris on EEG activity. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol,
19: 651, 2021.
Kim et al. Effect of online cosmetics information on brand trust and continuous purchasing intentions online.
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Lee et al. Effects of consumer consumption value and psychological status on cosmetics repurchase behavior in the COVID-19 era. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 19: 409, 2021.
Lee et al. Effects of Hippohae rhamnoides extracts on skin conditions. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 19: 35, 2021.
Heo et al. Perphenazine attenuates the pro-inflammatory responses in mouse models of Th2-type allergic dermatitis.
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Choi et al. Metformin ameliorates animal models of dermatitis. Inflammopharmacology, 28: 1293, 2020.
Choi et al. Glucose metabolism regulates expression of hair-inductive genes of dermal papilla spheres via histone acetylation. Sci Rep, 10: 4887, 2020.
Heo et al. Nintedanib ameliorates animal model of dermatitis. Sci Rep, 10: 4493, 2020.
Choi et al. 2-deoxy-d-glucose ameliorates animal models of dermatitis. Biomedicines, 8: 20, 2020.
Choi et al. E3 ligase RCHY1 negatively regulates HDAC2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 521: 37, 2020.
Kim et al. Transdermal delivery systems in cosmetics. Biomed Dermatol, 4: 10, 2020.
Kim et al. Potential anti-wrinkle activity of Chlorella sp. HS1-derived oil components on human dermal fibroblasts.
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Lee et al. Monoterpenoid loliolide regulates hair follicle inductivity of human dermal papilla cells by activating the Akt/β-Catenin signaling pathway. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 29: 1830, 2019.
Choi et al. Mdm2 is required for HDAC3 monoubiquitination and stability. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 517: 353, 2019.
Lee et al. MUL1 E3 ligase regulates the antitumor effects of metformin in chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells via AKT degradation. Int J Oncol, 54: 1833, 2019.
Kim et al. The protective effect of violaxanthin from Nannochloropsis oceanica against ultraviolet B-induced damage in normal human dermal fibroblasts. Photochem Photobiol, 95: 595, 2019.
Kim et al. The effect of three-dimensional cultured adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell–conditioned medium and the antiaging effect of cosmetic products containing the medium. Biomed Dermatol, 4: 1, 2019.
Kim et al. Evaluation of the perception and clinical characteristics of facial skin aging according to age-group among Korean women. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 17: 387, 2019.
Lee et al. The Inhibition of melanogenesis via the PKA and ERK signaling pathways by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii extract in B16F10 melanoma cells and artificial human skin equivalents. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 28: 2121, 2018.
Kim et al. Effects of the myrtle essential oil on the acne skin—clinical trials for Korean women.
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Han et al. Anti-apoptotic, antioxidant and anti-aging effects of 6-shogaol on human dermal fibroblasts.
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Shin et al. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits paclitaxel-induced apoptosis through the alteration of microRNA expression in human dermal papilla cells. Biomed Dermatol, 2: 7, 2018.
Kim et al. Sophora japonica extracts accelerates keratinocyte differentiation through miR-181a.
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Jin et al. Importance of the immune response to Mycobacterium leprae in the skin. Biomed Dermatol, 2: 1, 2018.
Lee et al. In vitro assessment of irritation potential of an anti-melanogenic agent, PF3758309, in a reconstructed human epidermis model. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 16: 417, 2018.
Kim et al. Effects of Coptis chinensis extracts on matrix metalloproteinase-1 suppression through JNK/AP-1 axis in human dermal fibroblasts. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 16: 427, 2018.
Jung et al. Color comparison between Korean and foreign-made base makeup products.
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Choi et al. Titrated extract of Centella asiatica increases hair inductive property through inhibition of STAT signaling pathway in three-dimensional spheroid cultured human dermal papilla cells. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 81: 2323, 2017.
Lee et al. Protective effect of Arthrospira platensis extracts against ultraviolet B-induced cellular senescence through inhibition of DNA damage and matrix metalloproteinase-1 expression in human dermal fibroblasts. J Photochem Photobiol B, 173: 196, 2017.
Lee et al. TRIAD1 is a novel transcriptional target of p53 and regulates nutlin-3a-induced cell death.
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Kwon et al. Phytosphingosine-1-phosphate and epidermal growth factor synergistically restore extracellular matrix in human dermal fibroblasts in vitro and in vivo. Int J Mol Med, 39: 741, 2017.
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Choi et al. DBC2/RhoBTB2 functions as a tumor suppressor protein via Musashi-2 ubiquitination in breast cancer. Oncogene, 36: 2802, 2017.
Hahn et al. Pretreatment of ferulic acid protects human dermal fibroblasts against ultraviolet irradiation.
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Lee et al. Musashi-2 is a novel regulator of paclitaxel sensitivity in ovarian cancer cells. Int J Oncol, 49: 1945, 2016.
Hahn et al. Single low-dose radiation induced regulation of keratinocyte differentiation in calcium-induced HaCaT cells.
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Hahn et al. Instrumental evaluation of anti-aging effects of cosmetic formulations containing palmitoyl peptides, Silybum marianum seed oil, vitamin E and other functional ingredients on aged human skin. Exp Ther Med, 12: 1171, 2016.
Choi et al. Apigenin inhibits UVA-induced cytotoxicity in vitro and prevents signs of skin aging in vivo.
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Cha et al. Intercellular and intracellular functions of ceramides and their metabolites in skin (Review).
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Choi et al. Biological effects of rutin on skin aging. Int J Mol Med, 38: 357, 2016.
Shin et al. Epigallocatechin Gallate-Mediated Alteration of the MicroRNA Expression Profile in 5α-Dihydrotestosterone-Treated Human Dermal Papilla Cells. Ann Dermatol, 28: 327, 2016.
Lee et al. Extract of Ettlia sp. YC001 exerts photoprotective effects against UVB irradiation in normal human dermal fibroblasts. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 28: 775, 2016.
Hong et al. TRAIL restores DCA/metformin-mediated cell death in hypoxia. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,
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Lee and An. Anti-oxidant and anti-wrinkle effects of amentoflavone for cosmetic materials development.
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Park et al. Role of AKT and ERK pathways in controlling sensitivity to ionizing radiation and adaptive response induced by low-dose radiation in human immune cells. Eur J Cell Biol, 94: 653, 2015.
Joo et al. Benzo(a)pyrene represses melanogenesis in B16F10 mouse melanoma cells. Mol Cell Toxicol, 11: 349, 2015.
Bae et al. Development of a high-throughput screening system for identification of novel reagents regulating DNA damage in human dermal fibroblasts. Acta Pharm, 65: 331, 2015.
Lee et al. Analysis of changes in microRNA expression profiles in response to the troxerutin-mediated antioxidant effect in human dermal papilla cells. Mol Med Rep, 12: 2650, 2015.
Lee et al. Implication of microRNA regulation in para-phenylenediamine-induced cell death and senescence in normal human hair dermal papilla cells. Mol Med Rep, 12: 921, 2015.
Lee et al. Analysis of the microRNA expression profile of normal human dermal papilla cells treated with 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Mol Med Rep, 12: 1205, 2015.
Kim et al. Quantitative proteomic analysis of single or fractionated radiation-induced proteins in human breast cancer MDA-MB-231cells. Cell Biosci, 5: 2, 2015.
Choe et al. ERp57 modulates STAT3 activity in radioresistant laryngeal cancer cells and serves as a prognostic marker for laryngeal cancer. Oncotarget, 6: 2654, 2015.
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Bae et al. Low-dose γ-irradiation induces dual radio-adaptive responses depending on the post-irradiation time by altering microRNA expression profiles in normal human dermal fibroblasts. Int J Mol Med, 35: 227, 2015.
Cha et al. Overdosage of methylparaben induces cellular senescence in vitro and in vivo.
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Lee et al. Anti-wrinkle effect of rare ginsenosides, produced from ginsenoside Rd. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 13: 909, 2015.
Choi et al. Development of novel detection method for evaluation of keratinocyte hydration using silica gel.
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Cha et al. Development of a novel quantitative evaluation method for skin pore areas and aging degrees using the Image J and its application for clinical studies. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 13: 477, 2015.
Cho et al. The effect of cream with Avena sativa extracts on facial flush. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 13: 361, 2015.
Kim et al. Antioxidant effects of kinetin on HaCaT human keratinocytes damaged by hydrogen peroxide.
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Bae et al. Arctiin blocks hydrogen peroxide-induced senescence and cell death though microRNA expression changes in human dermal papilla cells. Biol Res, 47: 50, 2014.
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Cha et al. Phytosphigosine-1-phosphate increases sensitivity of EGF-dependent cell proliferation.
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Kim et al. Cooperative actions of p21WAF1 and p53 induce Slug protein degradation and suppress cell invasion.
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Bae et al. Altered microRNA expression profiles are involved in resistance to low-dose ionizing radiation in the absence of BMI1 in human dermal fibroblasts. Int J Oncol, 45: 1618, 2014.
Kim et al. MicroRNA-1290 promotes asiatic acid-induced apoptosis by decreasing BCL2 protein level in A549 non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. Oncol Rep, 32: 1029, 2014.
Cha et al. Photoprotective effect of arctiin against ultraviolet B-induced damage in HaCaT keratinocytes is mediated by microRNA expression changes. Mol Med Rep, 10: 1363, 2014.
Kwon et al. Asiaticoside, a component of Centella asiatica, inhibits melanogenesis in B16F10 mouse melanoma.
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Cha et al. Altered miRNA expression profiles are involved in the protective effects of troxerutin against ultraviolet B radiation in normal human dermal fibroblasts. Int J Mol Med, 33: 957, 2014.
Lee et al. Troxerutin induces protective effects against ultraviolet B radiation through the alteration of microRNA expression in human HaCaT keratinocyte cells. Int J Mol Med, 33: 934, 2014.
Lee et al. Arctiin induces an UVB protective effect in human dermal fibroblast cells through microRNA expression changes. Int J Mol Med. 33: 640, 2014.
Lee et al. Oridonin exerts protective effects against hydrogen peroxide-induced damage by altering microRNA expression profiles in human dermal fibroblasts. Int J Mol Med, 32: 1345, 2014.
Bae et al. Oridonin protects HaCaT keratinocytes against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress by altering microRNA expression. Int J Mol Med, 33: 185, 2014.
Jang et al. The moisturizing effect and formulation test of the cosmetics composed by horse oil liposomes.
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Lee et al. Synergetic protective effects against oxidative stresses by co-treatment of Centella asiatica and follic acid-fermented extracts and phytosphingosine-1-phosphate in human dermal fibroblasts.
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Kim et al. The effect of coconut oil on the skin barrier function. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 12: 907, 2014.
Kim et al. The extract of Chlorella vulgaris exerts protective effects against ultraviolet B radiation-induced damages in human dermal fibroblasts. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 12: 479, 2014.
Kim et al. Inhibitory effects of freeze dried Unripe dangyuja (Citrus grandis Osbeck) extracts on melanogenesis.
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Kim et al. Lenalidomide induces apoptosis and alters gene expression in non-small cell lung cancer cells.
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Jung et al. The sunscreen usage patterns of adult-onset-acne skin type and comparative study on detergency of mineral sunscreen according to cleansing method. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 11: 959, 2013.
Choi et al. Effects of the face pack containing kaolin, adenosine and plant extracts on the skin improvement.
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Yoon et al. Effects of the complex containing Centella asiatica- and folic acid-fermented extracts, acetyl glutamine, and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate on the inhibition of senescence and melanogenesis, promotion of collagen expression, cellular regeneration, and keratinocyte differentiation, and anti-inflammation.
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Yoon et al. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin and skin cell signaling pathways.
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Jeon et al. Influences of the working posture and environment and health condition on physical symptoms of aesthetician. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 11: 297, 2013.
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Bae et al. The hypoxia-mimetic agent cobalt chloride induces cell cycle arrest and alters gene expression in U266 multiple myeloma cells. Int J Mol Med, 30: 1180, 2012.
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Choi et al. CYP1A1 is a target of miR-892a-mediated post-transcriptional repression. Int J Oncol, 41: 331, 2012.
Bae et al. Akt is negatively regulated by the MULAN E3 ligase. Cell Res, 22: 873, 2012.
Lee et al. Preparation of phytosphingosine-1-phosphate nano-liposome and its in vivo anti-aging improvement effects of finished products. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 10: 941, 2012.
Hong et al. Protective effects of the natural ingredient quercetin in human dermal fibroblasts.
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Ko et al. The effect of proper treatment on abnormal nail conditions for the female’s sentiment and self respect.
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Kim et al. Analysis of hair graying mechanism using the gene expression profiling in graying hair bulb.
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Hong et al. The effect of color therapy on stress and electroencephalogram variation. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 7: 51, 2009.
Park et al. The effect of facial skin care by propolis on the inflammatory acne. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 7: 61, 2009.
Kim et al. The effect of microneedle therapy system and alpha hydroxy acid peeling on the pores and the hyperpigmentation on men's skin. Asian J Beauty Cosmetol, 7: 69, 2009.
Kim et al. The effect of meridian massage and algae mask on the abdominal obesity of adult women.
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Elixir S. An, D.Phil.
• M.Sc. & Ph.D. / University of Oxford, UK (1998)
• Post-doc / Harvard Medical School, USA (2003)
• Professor / Konkuk University, Korea (2003-2022)
• Adjunct Professor / Konkuk University (2024)
• National Research Lab, Konkuk University, Ministry of Science and ICT (2016)
• Achievement Award of National R&D Outstanding Performance 100, Ministry of Science and ICT (2013)
• Achievement Award of Outstanding Research, National Research Foundation of Korea (2012, 2013, 2017)
• National Healthcare R&D Funding Committee, Korea Health Industry Development Institute (2017)
• National Petition Safety Inspection Deliberation Committee, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (2022)
• National Health & Medical Technology Policy Committee, Ministry of Health and Welfare (2020)
• National Advertising & Communication Committee, Korea Communications Standards Commission (2020)
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